
As consumers deepen commitments to reduce waste and carbon footprint, eco-consciousness is no longer limited to retail, fashion, and food companies. Consumers are now motivated to seek sustainable options in various other industries, such as auto insurance—specifically, the sustainability of claims and repair processes. For insurers, consumer appetite for sustainable...
With a career spanning over four decades, Sid Petrisor has been an I-CAR Canada instructor since its very beginnings. With a passion and knack for repairing vehicles and knowing the importance of staying up to date with emerging technologies, Sid Petrisor is grateful to be able to give back to...
When using the word “sustainability” the automotive aftermarket is accustomed to sustaining its financials, operational metrics, client advocacy scores, and employee satisfaction ratings.   However, with changing global temperatures, smog reaching all-time highs, and increased severity and intensity of natural disasters, environmental sustainability is being discussed by all levels of Government,...
CSN-Gaudet’s Auto Body LTD. of Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, first received Gold Class recognition from I-CAR Canada in 1997. The I-CAR Gold Class certification is no small feat—it is achieved by having a Platinum-recognized technician in each of the four core required roles and by having each of these technicians...
Season five of AIA Canada’s vodcast, Curbside Chat, debuts with an invigorating discussion focused on collision repair and the indispensable role of continuous collision training. In the ever-evolving landscape of vehicle technology, marked by its escalating complexity and rapid expansion, the need for standardized continuous collision training has become more...
Sometimes, going back to the basics can make the difference between a quality repair and a failed repair. Tools for the door handle may not sound too exciting, but they can save you time, frustration, and in some cases, a refinish.  There are two tools that can impact how you...